valine: enable:true# valine 评论系统开关 appId:xxxxxxxxxx# leancloud application app id appKey:xxxxxxxxx# leancloud application app key notify:false# valine mail notify (true/false) Deprecated in v1.4.0+ verify:false# valine verify code (true/false) Deprecated in v1.4.0+ pageSize:10# comment list page size avatar:monsterid# gravatar style lang:zh-CN# i18n: zh-CN/zh-TW/en/ja placeholder:请开始你的表演,请文明发言哦!# valine comment input placeholder(like: Please leave your footprints ) guest_info:nick,mail,link#valine comment header info recordIP:false# Record reviewer IP serverURLs:# This configuration is suitable for domestic custom domain name users, overseas version will be automatically detected (no need to manually fill in) emojiCDN:'//'# 存放表情的cdn库 enableQQ:true# requiredFields:nick,mail# required fields nick/mail/link bg:images/mapleblog/t.png# valine background count:true# dispaly comment count in top_img emojiMaps:{}# 存放表情yaml文件的 这是我后来加上的